Plan 142-1089
3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath – 1945 sq-ft
Starting price with brick – $311k
Features a side loading garage, large walk-in closet, additional storage in garage, and covered patio.

Plan C220016
3 Bedroom, 2.5 bath – 2354 sq-ft
Starting price with brick – $357k
Features include vaulted 14′ ceilings in living room and master bedroom, massive walk-in closet with connecting laundry room, fireplace, and covered patio.

Plan 938-83
4 bedroom, 4 bath – 2404 sq-ft
Starting price with brick – $433k
Features 3-car garage, fireplace, his and her walk-in closet, and large covered patio.

Don’t see a floorplan you like? We specialize in building customized home designs. Bring us a floorplan you love and we will estimate the cost to build!
Understanding the Average Home Price in Arkansas
The average home price in Arkansas differs significantly based on the area, size and other features that the house. Overall, Arkansas provides a less expensive cost for living in comparison to numerous other states, making the state a popular choice for buyers. Prices of the showcased home plans are a reflection of the high-end craftsmanship, design and features that Silver Field Construction Arkansas provides.
The starting price ranges between $311k and $433k, our houses offer a mix of practicality and luxury which makes them affordable to all kinds of purchasers. Prices include amenities like large closets, patios that are covered and large garages they are typically considered luxury features.
When you build your home using Silver Field Construction, you have a home which not only matches the needs of your individual preferences, but also is within the realm of the average home price in Arkansas. We believe in using only the best products and skilled craftsmanship guarantees that your property will remain an investment worth the time for many the years to be.
If you’re looking to construct a contemporary farmhouse, traditional home with a family tradition or even a custom-designed home and we will help you through throughout every step of the process. Get in touch with us today to learn about the process of building your dream house as well as how we could assist you find your way through the market in order to find the ideal option for your needs and budget.